
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

applied for MapletreeInd PO + Excess

Stopped by the ATM to apply for the MIT PO of 2 for 25 and applied excess to round up to full lot.
Fingers crossed that I'll be allotted excess units to make up 1 lot.

New units start trading on 24th August.


  1. Wow! You have been busy and active during this correction!

    In London, stay out of certain parts of town. I do that here in Athens too. Social fabric unravelling in UK... We belong to the "hated" Asiatics as we are perceived to work too hard and are to blame for UK "locals" not finding work.

    It's the reverse of how we in Singapore are treating "foreign imports". You now get to see the other side of the coin. Imgaine if you top your class in UK!

    Take care and be safe! You should be flying off soon right?

  2. Hi SMOL,

    haha, yup. I'm pretty inactive most of the time so two transactions in a week is quite "busy"!

    Thanks for the advice on the UK, I sure hope my coursemates aren't that small minded! Yet, I can understand how they feel, what with our situation over here ;)
    I will be flying off in three weeks time, Thanks and you take care too! I know you're coming back to Singapore soon ;)
