
Friday, November 1, 2019

Nov 2019 Updates

Hi to whoever is reading (mainly me, myself and I)

Long hiatus from blogging - however this is a good way to keep myself accountable financially.

Since the last post years ago - I have since come back to Singapore and been working for 3 1/2 years. Job-wise fairly stable, good track for advancement so quite content. Although definitely earning substantially less than some JC friends in the banking/insurance industries.

Recently got back into the equities game after finally saving up about 12 months worth of salary in cash.
Have a maxed-out UOB ONE acct which is yielding about 2.45% all-in (not including UOB ONE card rebates). Can still live with this as I'm also using grabpay mastercard + youtrip to maximise cashback (long story short, about 7-8+% on offline and online transactions thanks to the UOB/Grab tie-up)

My other not-quite maxed out OCBC 360 account is yielding only 1.9%.

Recent activities
Sold Sabana REIT at $0.455 - finally got rid of this loss-making counter after holding for donkey years.
First REIT still on the books (bought during my NS days and the counter is essentially free after years and years of dividends), but looking to offload looking at the upcoming lease expiries.
ST Engineering has probably been the best investment over the years

Bought AIMS APAC REIT at $1.370
Bought HongKong Land at US$5.52. (small position, via SCB)
Invested $500 cash into StashAway (in addition to SRS monies)

Going ahead probably looking to invest in the US market for growth and mainly blue-chip dividend plays in the local market.

On CPF and CPF investments
Last year , being well into the 7% tax bracket decided to voluntarily contribute $7000 via the CPF RSTU scheme lured by the $490 tax savings as well as 4% guaranteed interest

Being unattached during my first year of work I also (wisely or unwisely) transferred all my OA at that time to SA. Although currently no plans on marriage at the moment probably should have kept some in the OA in any case. Hence currently in the unusual position of someone of my age (29) to have more money in SA than OA.

This year realised the folly of this and will be putting in $10k into CPF SRS instead. Mainly for tax savings (This year, post-mandatory CPF contributions, will be in the lower half of the 11.5% bracket and hence this $10k will push me down back to 7%) but also for the investment potential.
Having the flexibility (albeit 5% penalty + prevailing income tax) is no laughing matter.
Also, UOB/DBS are both having promotions for SRS contributions. UOB $30 + $20 shopping vouchers for $1000/$10000 contributions, and DBS having $50 cashback for $10000 contributions. Might as well, huh?

SSB rates currently unattactive at 1.7%-ish and with one month lag time for cash-out (with fees), probably not the best option for my SRS monies.
Have put in $5k so far into StashAway. Percentage-based management fees are low and easy to cash out should a better opportunity arise. Will be waiting for AWS to invest the other $5k for this year.